Thursday, July 12, 2007

Jimmy, Jerry, Troy and Super Bowl XXVII

This picture of Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson was taken backstage after the Cowboys Super Bowl parade in February of 1993. The Cowboys won Super Bowl XXVII, beating the Buffalo Bills 52-17. I was covering the parade freelance, selling some photos to local newspapers in north Texas. The photo is not that great, but I only had one shot. Jerry and Jimmy were bouncing around backstage and I quickly got them to stand still long enough for a pose.

Earlier the same day, during the parade, I was riding with Troy Aikman and Jason Garrett in an open car. The parade route wound its way through downtown Dallas with thousands of fans encroaching on the players. Although Troy is smiling in this shot, he and I and Jason were all nervous about the crowd. It was indeed a dangerous situation. At one point, policemen on horseback were called in to seperate the crowd from the open vehicles. Other journalists were packed in around us and were saying it was like being in a war zone.
The following year when the Cowboys won their second Super Bowl, the parade was held in downtown Dallas, but that year the players were on huge open flatbed trucks high above the crowd. Police barriers were also more established and security was increased. Troy would go on to become a member of NFL Hall of Fame and Jason Garrett is currently the Offensive Coordinator of the Cowboys.

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