Day 51 on the Monterey Peninsula
Wild Goose Cafe
I've been really busy getting settled into my art studio and working on my art web site at Therefore, I've not had much time to do much in town. Many places I have yet to see. But as time goes on I'm beginning to get familiar with the area.
I'm looking for work in a local art gallery, and that's been a lot of hard work. Looking for a job is always a difficult task, especially if you are looking for a specific kind of work. But I'll find something soon.
I did take the time to see the movie Dark Knight. Heath Ledger was amazing, of course, and it's a shame he had to die at such a young age. The movie itself is indeed dark.
The local schools have started, and warm days have been in town this week. Some have said this will be the last few days of really warm weather before the Fall season. The entire summer has been mild here. Carmel has been cool most days. Carmel Valley, eight miles inland, is generally 10 degrees warmer than Carmel. Having come from the hellish 100-degree days in Texas, this is paradise.