Wild Goose Cafe, Carmel Valley
I've settled in the Monterey Peninsula area quite nicely, actually living in the Carmel Valley area. I've been here just over a month and don't plan to get back on the road anytime soon. Having been on the road for almost a year, I need a nice, long, break.
I've opened an art studio above a small grocery market and have named it "Sola Sendero", which means "single trail" or as I interpret it, "lonely trail." I don't speak Spanish and I'm certainly no expert, but from what I understand the word "sendero" refers to a small path or trail that is only wide enough for one person to walk. The word "real", as in El Camino Real, refers to a wider roadway where wagons amble along and traffic is constant. Whatever be the case, I liked the sound of "sola sendero."
My web site dedicated to my artwork and the studio is at http://www.solasendero.com/.
My plan is to keep this blog alive and kicking. It will be my hangout to write about whatever I wish. I'm closing down my blog "Writefinger" and merging the content here. Therefore, MyRoadArt will be my blogging site for all things other than art. SolaSendero.com will be my art-related blog and web site.
Carmel Valley held its annual "Fiesta" this weekend. I sat in the sun for five hours listening to classic rock and smelling BBQ ribs. Kids were playing, live bands were in good form, and the weather cooperated. Below are a couple of pictures.