Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 67 on the Monterey Peninsula
Wild Goose Cafe, Carmel Valley

It's hot today in the Valley! The entire summer was very mild and then out of nowhere, the past few days around here have been almost setting new records for high temps. I'm not complaining. Things could be worse. I could be back in Texas.

I turn 50 today. Happy Birthday to me. Thanks. Now to survive the next 50 years.

I've been trying to figure out how to add the data from another blog to this blog, but so far I can't come to terms with the "widget" code. Gee, what a nightmare. I want to add a bunch of links to a new linklist, without having to write them all in one by one. Cutting and pasting code is the usual way, but I can't figure out where to paste the code. I'll figure it out. It'll just take some time and thought. I might as well go ahead and type in the data!

I am getting a little fed up with Blogger...but I've come this far with them, I hate to change things up. I've got a lot of photos and posts here, and it would be a real chore to try to move stuff around. Blogger needs to get it's act together. get what you pay for.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 66 on the Monterey Peninsula
Carmel Coffee Roasting Co.

On Saturday of Labor Day weekend I spent the day on the Peninsula. I started out at the Del Monte Shopping Center for lunch and to listen to some jazz music. Each weekend for a few weeks, a jazz concert will be held there. It was a little cool, but the sun finally broke out and it turned into a beautiful day.

After lunch I drove to Fisherman's Wharf and attended the Monterey Greek Festival. I also walked around the dock and spent some time at the Portola Plaza.

Below are some photos I took during the day.

This guy looks like a politician. Actually, he (she?) is one of "George's Birds." George is a regular at Fisherman's Wharf, along with his birds.

Greek dancing at the Monterey Greek Festival. Zorba never looked so good.

The crowd at the Greek Festival enjoying Greek food.

Whale Watching cruises are popular at the Wharf. I like the wooden fisherman who looks rather sad. I guess the fish aren't biting.

I guess they missed the says "no parking".

We May Be in for a Perfect Storm of Home "Unaffordability".

I recently read about celebrity real estate agent Mauricio Umansky, who raised concerns about the "perfect storm of total unaffordabili...