Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lazy, Hazy, Days of Fall Coming

Day 92 on the Monterey Peninsula
Outside the Stirrup Co. Pizza restaurant, Carmel Valley

We've been experiencing an Indian Summer of sorts...been warm, almost hot. But the Fall is coming, along with cooler temperatures. It is lovely this time of year, I'll admit it. I enjoy sitting outside and doing nothing. Especially doing nothing.

Now that I've been off the road for over three months, I'm getting the itch to travel some more. But for now, it is almost impossible. I've still got to recover from the past year I spent running all over the Southwest. There are many places to see around here...places I've yet to visit. So why rush off to drive somewhere else? I like it here.

I spend most days painting in my art gallery, or at my part time job in a local liquor store. I like the people you meet in the liquor store...all sorts of interesting characters. And my artistic passions are being met daily by the watercolors on my desk. I sit near a window and paint while listening to Joan Baez or Leonard Cohen. Yesterday I had a goat keep me company. The old nag was sitting in the back of a jeep parked in the alley beneath my studio. An occasional "baaaa" was all I could hear. It's rather quiet in the Village.

We May Be in for a Perfect Storm of Home "Unaffordability".

I recently read about celebrity real estate agent Mauricio Umansky, who raised concerns about the "perfect storm of total unaffordabili...