Monday, July 9, 2007

CraigsList Shopping

I've spent a few hours today just looking through CraigsList at various job postings. I've been looking for work in real estate or writing and found some leads. I emailed two resumes for writing gigs, and one to The Real Deal online magazine which is expanding its coverage from New York into the Vegas market.

The job market looks pretty strong in Vegas, and I found a number of writing opportunities. The best of both worlds, I guess, would be to write about the Vegas real estate market.


I'm beginning to sell off much of the junk I've collected over the years. I'm scaling down to just those personal items that have value for me. Much of what I own can easily be sold. Everything I sell now can be replaced later, right? When you get down to it, most of what we own is junk. I have very few things I really cherish, and most of those things will fit in a box. I like the idea of scaling down, cutting back, clearing out the storage, unloading years of stuff that I pretend gives meaning to my life. It is a silly idea: collect what we think is valuable stuff and then place it in storage (or the garage) where we never see it.

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