Friday, February 1, 2008

Downtown Phoenix...I Think I'm Lost

I left Tucson this morning and drove north on Interstate 10 to Phoenix, arriving here about Noon. Once in town I took the Glendale Ave. exit, but went east instead of west, and found myself north of downtown Phoenix.

If you come here, avoid Central Ave. due to construction. Central Ave. cuts the Phoenix metro area north and south into two pieces, and is therefore a heavily traveled road. But it's being widened and is undergoing a major construction effort, so avoid it at all cost.

I found a Starbucks on 7th Ave near downtown and I'm sitting here looking at a map trying to figure out where I am. I have found the University of Phoenix stadium in Glendale and will drive there next. A Starbucks employee gave me some good directions, too. He said, "Look for the Ferris Wheel, helicopters, and blimps."

The weather is perfect, mid 60s and sunny. I'll be posting here throughout the weekend, so keep in touch.

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