Thursday, February 28, 2008

Time to Move On, For Now

It's been a fun time here in the desert, but it's time to move on. I'll be driving to Scottsdale tomorrow. My plans are to remain in the Phoenix area through the month of March. I've got tickets to see the Texas Rangers play some Spring ball in Surprise, Arizona. I'll also be studying art and will continue to visit artists and galleries in the area.

I've been in Tucson since October 29 (you can read my blog entry on that day: ). I love it here, and I can't think of a better place to spend the Winter. I'll be back, guaranteed.

To Britta, Kasie Jo, and Lettie: thanks for keeping me out of trouble...don't work too hard.

To the dealers at the del Sol: thanks for making me feel comfortable and easy and part of the family in your poker room. Keep up the friendly atmosphere and "down home" approach...and let me hit a nut-flush once in a while, OK?

To Linda, Don, Two-Pair, Dave, Fast Eddie, and other players: spend my money wisely. And Linda, keep in touch...we'll meet up again. Have fun in Hawaii.

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