Thursday, September 21, 2023

Rupert Murdoch Stepping Down at Such a Young Age! (He's 92.)

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is transitioning from his roles as Chair of Fox Corporation and Executive Chairman of News Corp this week. But why? He's so young! I mean, 92 is the new 30, isn't it?

Murdoch informed colleagues in a letter Thursday of his decision, noting he was in good health. He will officially make the transition in November, and his son Lachlan will become the sole chairman of both companies.
"Our companies are in robust health, as am I. Our opportunities far exceed our commercial challenges. We have every reason to be optimistic about the coming years - I certainly am, and plan to be here to participate in them," Murdoch said.
Opportunities exceeding our challenges. That's something to think about. Whether it's a conglomerate news organization like Fox or an individual working two jobs to feed their family, the principle applies. Challenges are a part of life, in all arenas, both personally and organizationally. However, so are opportunities. 
When faced with challenges, let's look for opportunities to tip the scales. If we can find opportunities in the midst of our struggles, then those obstacles become less important. I face challenges on a daily basis, as do you. Nevertheless, I see tremendous opportunities to grow as a better human being, a better entrepreneur, a more skilled professional in those areas I've chosen to spend my life. 
Rupert Murdoch, 92.

We May Be in for a Perfect Storm of Home "Unaffordability".

I recently read about celebrity real estate agent Mauricio Umansky, who raised concerns about the "perfect storm of total unaffordabili...