Sunday, September 17, 2023

Deion Sanders and the Buffaloes Teach Patience

After the amazing comeback win last night (or should I say this morning), a broadcaster pulled head coach Deion Sanders aside and asked him what he learned from their amazing win. "Patience," Deion said. "We learned a lot about patience." 

Colorado was behind eleven points in a game full of terrific action and ups and downs. I, for one, thought they had lost. Colorado State was driving the ball with under three minutes left and the game was over, or so I thought. But then I look up and see Colorado State having to punt on fourth down. The kicker sets the ball nicely on the two yard line with a deftly timed punt. Luck was certainly on their side. The Buffaloes had ninety-eight yards to go. Being down by eight points, they had to score a touchdown and convert two extra points to tie the game and get into overtime. 

Deion's Cinderella team did exactly that. They not only scored the touchdown and extra points to make it to overtime, they scored twice in two overtimes to win the game. 

Sanders has turned the Buffaloes into the talk of college football since taking over a team that went 1-11 last season.

Patience. Deion said they learned to be patient. The confidence in his team and coaching staff were evident. It was like he knew things were going to turn out okay if they would just continue to work and be patient. Wait for something good to happen. It did.

The next time I'm stressed out to the point of exhaustion, I'll remember Deion and this game. I'll fight like hell to be patient and let the game come to me. I'll wait for something to turn things around. 

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