Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Head versus the Heart

In a recent discussion online with another artist about color theory, I was promoting the idea that two kinds of artists exists: those who love the scientific and technological side of the work, and those who do not. Some artists are scientists in disguise. They love to talk about pigments and mediums and theories of color and composition in scientific, logical terms like a CSI unit looking at a crime scene.

On the other hand, many artists are not scientifically inclined at all. They are more practical in their use of materials, and just want to learn enough to get the job done. They don't read books on color theory or delve into the chemical composition of a tube of Rublev Oleogel. They want tools that work and don't give much of a damn of how it works. "Just show me what works," they say.

What I'm writing about here is the head and the heart. In my discussion with this artist about color theory, I was promoting a balancing act between the science of art and the spirit of art. Both are important. The head and heart need to be in balance, I believe. But if I had to choose one over the other, give me the heart.

This artist writes, "There is no real separation between head and heart since, in reality, it is all head. The rest is illusion." I disagreed.

My response.  "The real issue is that much of the contemporary art world doesn't give a damn about skill, technique, or about the issues you and I are discussing. Look at the crap that is selling these days. We should talk about color theory and helping students develop skills, and it is right. But we also must face the reality of the current art market and its de-emphasis on skill-based work. Skill and technique will only get you so far. But show some heart, some backstory, some personal narrative, some personal slant on your point of view, and the market eats it up."

It is an old debate, the role of the head and heart in making art. Is it all "head"? Is our heart really a product of the brain and its activity? Is the "heart" an illusion? Should we talk in terms of the head and heart being separated? I don't know. I'm not that smart.

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