Thursday, May 25, 2017

Last Week of Class at AAU

It's been fun, but the long road to a master's degree in fine art at the Academy of Art in San Francisco is coming to a dead end this week. My last Group Directed Study class with Jacob Dhein and other grad students at the Chestnut location was yesterday. All of us were tired and ready for the semester to end. We were told to bring three paintings for a final critique, but I just couldn't do it. Instead I chose to bring one painting and a study from a Malcolm Liepke painting.

My copy of a Malcolm Liepke painting.
"I'm just so tired at looking at these paintings," I said. "You all have seen them. I've done nothing to them since the last time you saw them." It seemed like overkill to bring the same final thesis paintings for another "final critique" to this class. I had shown the same paintings the week before in my Final Thesis critique.

 I told my class and Jacob, "At some point. you just have to move on."

The process was weird, the steps I went through the final weeks before graduation. The commencement ceremony came first (I did not attend), followed by a Final Thesis critique. Then another final critique in GDS class yesterday. Tomorrow I have one last class in Professional Practices before I'm done.

So, for my final class in Group Directed Study I brought  in one painting, "The Priest." I also brought in a study I have been working on, a copy of a painting by Malcolm Liepke.

"The Priest", 30x30, oil on canvas. Made the visit to my last GDS class for a  "final critique."

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