Thursday, May 25, 2017

Hi Girls, Miss Me?

Writing a screenplay can be as fun as painting a picture. While distinct similarities exists between the two, my brain seems to be working from a different place while I'm writing dialogue. In both cases I'm painting a picture. I'm using words to paint dialogue, hoping to find some rhythm and texture just as I would when applying oils to a canvas. But the process, the brain activity, seems to be different. I cannot explain it. I'm not a brain specialist. I love doing both, writing and painting, and they are great compliments to one another. Both are creative practices, apparently exercising different parts of the brain.

Below is an excerpt from a screenplay I'm writing. It is fun to do this kind of thing after a week of painting in the studio. It's all about expressing what it means to be human.

(Excerpt from a current screenplay...)


Brando is staring into the mirror of the restroom. He has a bloody nose.

                          You okay? Your nose looks crooked.

                           It hurts like shit. But I’ll survive. That prick was lucky. I didn’t see him.

                          Why do you put up with it? Why don’t you beat his ass?

                          He’s the size of a buffalo. I wouldn’t have a chance. He would break more than my      

                          If you don’t do something he’ll keep it up. I’ve been picked on my whole life. I’ve
                          gotten used to it. But you. You can do something about it. Your dad’s the sheriff for
                          God’s sake!

                 want me to run to daddy. Is that it? I’d rather get beat up.

                          Your Dad would throw him in jail.

                          But then what? I’d look like an idiot. Running to Dad to fix my problems. My dad        
                          already thinks I’m a pussy.

At that moment the bathroom door opens and Satchel walks in. He’s tall, well-built, but still has baby fat around the waist and chin. His hair is long and messy, like he just got out of bed. He’s laughing to himself. He notices Sam and Brando in front of the sink and mirror. They both turn as he walks in.

                          Hi, girls. Miss me?

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