Monday, March 27, 2017

Massive Reorganization Underway

Holy Cow,

It is amazing how much work it is taking to organize my online sites. Along with the social media sites, it has become a nightmare. But I'm slowing getting things done. The domain names and are being forwarded here, to this Blogger site. I started this blog years ago, and it seems prudent to just keep it.

This will be my personal blog, as it always has been. I'll ramble here, with no apparent specific topic or subject. It will be the place I write stuff just for the hell of it. We all need a place to just let ourselves vent and post things that are on our minds. This will be my place to get counseling, therapy,  through writing what I want to write. 

For example, as an artist I have web sites devoted to my art. As a writer, I have a web site devoted to writing. Keeping it straight in my limited brain is a challenge. My motto has always been "keep things simple." But then, I hate mottos.

I have accounts on Instagram, Facebook (along with some FB Pages, which is another time-sucking task), and Tumblr (don't ask). I had to put a stop to all this madness, so I no longer Tweet. I feel someday that Tweeting will disappear anyway, Trump notwithstanding.  I have narrowed down my online social networking to just these three: Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr. Screw the rest of them. I don't have the time.

I spend one day a week, Monday, devoted to keeping this stuff updated and organized. It takes a plan, which I have, to keep things straight. Posting content on the various sites takes effort, though I have recently started using apps to help me. Crowdfire, for example, helps me schedule posts for Instagram and Facebook in advance, as does the scheduling on the Later app. I really need a full time assistant, but for now that is a pipe-dream. 

At last count, I have nine domain names. I must me out of my mind. 

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