Sunday, July 22, 2007

My Darkroom Collection: Politics and Misc.

I began sifting through some old prints from my days as a student and freelance photojournalist. The dates and locations are unknown with some of them. I didn't do a very good job of writing on the back of the prints any information. I'm relying on my memory, which is never a good thing.

This photo was taken on Commerce Street in dowtown Dallas during a parade. Date and reason for the parade are lost in my memory. I love the expression on the child's face. I remember having to dodge and burn in the darkroom to highlight her face. In the "old days" prior to digital photography and fancy software, we had to do enhance our work by antiquated techniques like dodging and burning.

I remember taking this shot inside the Old Time String Shop in Nacogdoches, Texas. The old woman was a wonderful subject. But I didn't want her to know I was photographing her, so I remember dropping my camera on my lap and trying to shoot without her knowing it. I found this print in a box, and it was damaged somewhat. I still have the negative, however, somewhere.

This photo of former Governor Ann Richards and presidential candidate Bill Clinton was taken on the eve of the election in 1992. Clinton and his entourage were on a multi-state tour on the day before he was elected president, and he stopped by Meachem Airport in Fort Worth for a brief visit.

ABC Nightline broadcaster Ted Koppell was with Clinton on the trip. As you can see by this photo, Ted was having a good time (or he was drunk). I met him and Clinton along with the other local press who were covering the event.

Since we're talking politics, I thought I would include this photo of Governor Mark White. I was assigned to cover a prayer breakfast he was attending, so I thought it would appropriate to get a picture of the Governor praying. The date of this photo must have been the Spring of 1983. Governor White served one four-year term beginning in January of 1983. He lost to Bill Clements in 1986. I guess he should have prayed more.

We May Be in for a Perfect Storm of Home "Unaffordability".

I recently read about celebrity real estate agent Mauricio Umansky, who raised concerns about the "perfect storm of total unaffordabili...