Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Texas Rangers are on their way to the MLB playoffs tomorrow at Noon, and that has resulted in my traveling down Memory Lane to a beautiful Spring day in 2007. I was attending the Rangers training camp in Surprise, Arizona.

I remember this guy named Josh Hamilton and how everyone was talking about his story. Would he make it in the majors with all that baggage on his back? Will he remain healthy and stay out of trouble during the off season?

My only question now is: how many home runs will he have during the series with Tampa Bay?

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(Above: I'm at the Starbucks a couple of blocks east of the Rangers training camp about to attend my first Spring game in 2007.)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

All My Life's A Circle

A Harry Chapin song is in the back of my mind this morning. Let me see if I can remember the words: "All my life's a circle, sunrise to sundown...etc., etc." Life does seem to go round and round and I feel like a skater on the rink in a roller derby contest.

I am back in Texas after more than two years on the road. MyRoadArt is by no means complete, my travels continue. But for a time I've returned to my roots in north Texas to wait until I find another road to follow. I left Texas in the summer of 2007 and returned to find friends and family still in relatively good health. Nothing much has changed. I do love Texas.

We May Be in for a Perfect Storm of Home "Unaffordability".

I recently read about celebrity real estate agent Mauricio Umansky, who raised concerns about the "perfect storm of total unaffordabili...