- The Las Vegas Writers Group. www.meetup.com/Las-Vegas-Writers
- The Henderson Writers Group. http://www.hwg.mergentsquared.com/
- The Writer's Pen & Grill. http://www.penandgrill.com/
The Pen and Grill is really more of a social gathering. According to its website, "The Writer’s Pen & Grill is designed to get writers away from their computers—at least once a month. Come hang out, socialize, and...yes…have a cocktail."
My plan is to attend the meeting of the Las Vegas Writers Group in November and eventually the Henderson Writers Group. I'm also checking with UNLV to see what's available. I'm looking for some local contacts and a regular meeting with other writers. A Las Vegas Writer's Conference is also in the works.
I'm surprised I didn't find more here, but I'll keep looking.