Friday, December 26, 2008

Time for a Serious Update...Happy Holidays

Day 179 on the Monterey Peninsula
Carmel Roasting Co., Carmel

This is ridiculous, I know. I haven't posted here since back in September for goodness sake. I haven't been quiet, just not posting here. I've been spending my time developing my online art studio at and write an art blog there. That's the reason for my silence here.

But for the New Year, I'll be posting here and at Sola Sendero. I've been trying to decide exactly how to proceed with my blogging interests. I think I've narrowed my focus down to just two blogs. At one time I had four. That's totally dumb. I was repeating myself too much. My life is all a jumble of events and interests and I think I can cover it with two blogs.

I considered just having one main blog, and that's all. But then I decided to devote one blog to mainly my art studio and art life. The remainder of my life will be covered here. Afterall, I spent a year on the road developing this blog and I don't want to just let it go. I may hit the road again, some day. I know I'll continue to travel.

So, when it comes to expressing myself on various topics (other than art), then this is the place. If necessary I'll cross-pollinate information between Sola Sendero and MyRoadArt. For now, these are the only two blogs I'll be writing. My business cards and all advertising for my artworks and writings will mention both blog locations. If I have something to say, it'll be here or at Sola Sendero.

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