Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 238 on the road.
Starbucks at the Aquarius Casino, Laughlin

Yesterday I played cards at the River Plams and earned two more free nights, so now I'm paid up through Monday, April 14. I may decide to extend my stay even longer. I'm not sure yet. As long as I'm having fun, making a little money, and have free room and board, it's tempting to just hang around for a while.

Last night after "work" (if you can call playing Omaha Hi Lo for seven hours "work"), I walked down the River Walk along the Colorado River to the Colorado Belle Casino to check out their poker room. I played for a couple hours and had a nice time. I met an 86-year-old World War II veteran who was captured by the Germans after he stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. He spent the remainder of the war in a prison camp until being liberated by the Russians. You can read about an interesting poker hand we played heads up on my poker web site at http://www.7seat.com/ .

After I left the Belle, I hit the River Walk on my way back to the River Palms and stopped off at Joe's Crab Shack for a nice dinner. I dined at a table on the patio overlooking the river, watching the ducks and fish play with each other below me. The air was cool, the sky was clear, and I was thankful for having a such a fun day.

Below is a silly video clip I made while taking a morning trip to Starbucks at the Aquarius Casino for a cup of coffee.

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