Saturday, June 30, 2007

Making Moves

I've continued to make contacts in Vegas. The most recent was with Martha Chiriboga, a mortgage broker and investor. She responded to a job placement ad I posted in CraigsList. I'll add her to my network list.

I've got to look at my finances and plan my budget. I can get to Vegas with no problem, but I need enough in savings to live three months or so. This will be the biggest challenge. I've got to have enough money to live on until I get my business established.

As a writer and real estate investor, I've made a good living in the past. But this last year I paid off some debts and went through my savings (what littile I had). I unloaded a house I could no longer afford to live in, and moved to the small country town of Gainesville in north Texas to escape the big city. I also needed some time to recover from a two-year period of death, misery, financial loss, and other minor problems. I went into a self-imposed "rehab", moving into a cheap apartment and placing most of my belongings in storage. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. The kind of rehab I needed was more internal and spiritual than physical.

So now the time has come to look forward, not back. One day I was sitting at Starbucks and writing in my journal and I realized that I'm at the point in my life when I can do anything I want and live anywhere I want. "So why not move to Vegas and invest in real estate, become a freelance writer and work on that first novel, and play cards?"

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