Saturday, June 23, 2007

Getting my Nevada real estate license...

I found the following information at a real estate school web site (Academy for Real Estate Professionals):

"If you completed the required pre-license courses in any of these states, you do not need to take any license courses for Nevada: AZ, DE, ID, KY, LA, OH, TX, UT, WV.

You can simply take the Nevada license exam and then mail in your license application. In fact, youonly need to take the state law portion of the license exam (40 questions on Nevada statutes). We still suggest you take the Nevada Law course we offer to study from since you will probably fail the state portion of the license exam if you do not study."

This particular school offers a 45 hour course on Nevada real estate law and ethics, for $230. I wonder if I can buy a book and study myself without going to a school? It seems all I have to do is pass the Nevada state portion of the exam, and then mail in my application. I need to find an updated Nevada real estate law and ethics textbook and begin to study it. I don't want to attend a course if I don't have to.

At the Century 21 school I found the law course they teach, and it costs $300. See below:

Real Estate Law (45 Hours)
"This course meets the educational requirements for those license applicants who have had their educational requirements partially met with course work in other states and need only take Real Estate Law (45 hours) to complete Nevada educational requirements."

Topics covered: Property Ownership, Transfer and Use; Applied Practices; and Nevada Real Estate Law

Real Estate Law – 45 hours (Includes Nevada Real Estate Law)Classroom & Correspondence / Tuition $175 + Texts $100 + Admin Fee $25 = Total Cost $300.00

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